
Break-Ups Bitterness
Karyn Indursky
Faded in oblivion
are the memories of
what it feels like
to be kissed, held, comforted.
Everlasting hardships linger
in my mind
of pain, tears, anger.
Faded into oblivion
are the memories
of holding hands, simple affection, companionship.
Everlasting hardships linger
in my heart
of fighting, ridiculing, domination.
Faded into oblivion
are the memories
of snuggling, laughter, movies.
Everlasting hardships linger
in my soul
of manipulation, disrespect, inconsideration.
Faded into oblivion
are the memories
of infatuation, lust, "love."
Everlasting hardships linger
in my attempts
of learning to trust men.
Faded into oblivion
are the memories
of being helped, "cared" for, "compliments."
Everlasting hardships linger
in my everyday life,
but hopefully will dissipate.