Big Milk Mustache Smiles (haiku)

Big Milk Mustache Smiles (Haiku)
Karyn Indursky
Snatching fresh cookies
is a must with alluring
scents filling the air.
Scents filling the air
makes their tongues salivate in
leads crumbs to awaiting floors
while chipmunk cheeks bulge.
While chipmunk cheeks bulge
warnings are given to be
careful of choking.
Careful of choking
chunks of tender morsels glide
down their tiny throats.
Down their tiny throats
are clean, but not their grimy
chocolate lip grins.
Chocolate lips grins
match small grubby chocolate
hands holding a glass.
Hands holding a glass
raise it to their thirsty mouths
for drinking some milk.
For drinking some milk
refreshes them while giving
needed nutrients.
Needed nutrients
help growing bodies, but leaves
big milk mustache smiles.
Author's Notes/Comments: 
You can't help, but smile when seeing children being cookie monsters and gulping down milk. Got milk?! :o)If you want to see a cute, funny site to go along with my poem, check out this site.
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