Don't Underestimate Me

Don't Underestimate Me


Don't Underestimate Me
Karyn Indursky

Don't tell me,
"I'm just a cashier."

Don't think I can't
do my job
because I have
vision and medical problems.

Don't write up people
because I "help"
them too much
and you think
I need more help.

Don't put me on a pedestal
because you think
I'm helpless
and every little thing I can do
is "magic."

Don't get mad
that we work together,
take care of each other,
and someone needs help
we help one another.

Don't praise me
and not everyone else
because they deserve
compliments too.

Don't belittle me
or anyone else
who exceeds expectations.

Don't dismiss promoting me
or anyone else
because you think
we're not qualified
over medical conditions
or we're too incompetent.

Don't think more or else
of me
because of what I say
or how I do,
but accept me and
by all means

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