Thoughts About Friendship With Women 06/07/08

Thoughts About Friendship With Women 06/07/08

Karyn Indursky

I feel alienated from most of my friends. Whenever I call or want to go out to a movie they're always busy. If I set up a tentative day, time, and agenda something always comes up and I'm left alone. I do love my son, but it would be nice to have some friendly adult company and an adult conversation with someone other than when I'm working. I've also heard the excuse of people thinking that I need a baby-sitter every time I say about going to lunch or whatever. I don't need a baby-sitter. I can get Conner ready, put him in the car seat, and take him along. Being a parent shouldn't be a punishment or alienation. It should bring you closer to the women in your life because it gives you common ground, maturity, a deeper understanding, compassion, and all that you need to build healthy, long term friendships/relationships. Personally, I've learned far more from having Conner and raising him than I ever did elsewhere. In any case, for a brief moment in time I can connect with the women in my life by sharing my opinions and showing them that I still love them, desire their friendship, and would love to shower them with hugs.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written on June 7, 2008.

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