
Karyn Indursky
We go through life since the day we're born.
There's so many decisions.
It's hard to know which path to take.
The choice is ours.
Each path is laid before us.
Do we go for fame and fortune?
Do we go for an average existence?
That's the first step.
The paths branch off.
Do we accept each other?
Do we accept ourselves?
That's the second step.
Each path widens.
Do we take responsibility for ourselves and others?
Do we blame the world and animals?
That's the third step.
The paths spread out.
Do we work together or apart?
Can we do both?
That's the forth step.
Each path broadens.
Do all of us take credit?
Do we give all the credit to God?
That's the fifth step.
The paths narrow.
Do we appreciate accomplishments?
Do we decide that they're not good enough?
That's the sixth step.
Each path comes to a close.
We took the path we close.
There is no wrong or right path.
It's life.