
Karyn Indursky
Is it better to be dumber than everyone thinks or smarter than anyone knows?
Is it better not to be recognized or recognized as someone else?
Is it better to be alone or in a crowd where you feel as if you are?
Is it better to be seen as part of the crowd and know that you're not or in the crowd where no one else seems to know it?
Is it better to be afraid and know it or afraid without realizing it?
Is it better to cry or wish you could?
Is it better to not speak up or speak up when no one listens?
Is it better to do something and no one knows about it and you wish they did or do something and not want anyone knowing with it being exposed to everyone?
Is it better to know something and wish you didn't or want to know something and can't?
Is it better to be alive and want to be dead or dead and want to be alive?
Is it better to make noise or not and no one notices you?
Is it better not to question and wish you had or question and wish you hadn't?
Sometime, there is no right or wrong answer
or even an explanation,
but it's how we handle it that counts.