Kisses Of Rain

Kisses Of Rain

Kisses Of Rain
Karyn Indursky
September 2012


Beneath skies of romance
Princess Kendal stood
with the rain softly caressing
her porcelain skin...


Droplets of emotions stuck
on her eyelashes while
her mind began to float
to clouds of daydreams...


Prince Brad was secretly
standing beneath a weeping willow tree
watching her with his
heart in his throat....


So often had he dreamt
of how her rose petal lips
would feel against his
or how she'd feel in his arms...


Princess Kendal was daydreaming
of how wondrous it would be
to slow dance with prince Brad
or how many times she'd yearned
to slip her hand into his,
but her shyness, memories, blashfulness
had broken her spirit...


Prince Brad saw a tear start to fall
down her fair ivory skin
and this time he couldn't stop himself
from walking up to his damsel....


Velvet tears began to drizzle
from princess kendall's eyes as
her heart began to ache with
desire to break free of worrying
over everything that could go wrong,
everything that had gone wrong,
and consequences of if it didn't work out...


Slowly, Prince Brad fought himself
behind her and without a moment of thought
his arms slipped around her to pull
into his heavenly arms
and everything in the world began
to feel right...


Princess Kendal heaved a gentle sigh
of pleasure to finally be where she'd
longed to be for so long
and with the power of fate
she turned to for their first kiss...


The rain parted for the sun to smile...
The clouds opened their arms with a hug...
and a rainbow of hope was displayed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my Hopeless-Romantic poets/poetess' on here and they know who they are.

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