Kaleidoscope Of Cosmic Wonder

Kaleidoscope Of Cosmic Wonder

Kaleidoscope Of Cosmic Wonder
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Starlit whispers beckoned the Moon's
face like a flare of imagination
illuminating comets of couplets.


Lunar murmurs caressed each couplet
with a stroke of lava
to make stanzas explode
with comets of communication.


Solar winds sailed heavens seas
like a twirling golden lock of
fractals colliding cosmic fireworks
with celestial bodies waltzing.


Asteroids of alliteration ran
their fingers of language around
astral's creativity with squirming
energies of expression humming.


Grammar gripped its gravitational pulls
with alluring eyes to glisten
within orbits of poetry.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Collaboration with Astral_Tides.

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