Thoughts About Life And The Hereafter 06/09/08

Thoughts About Life & The Hereafter 06/09/08

Karyn Indursky


Life isn't about your destinations, but the people you helped, befriended, loved along the way. Life isn't about what you obtained in material possessions, but the quality you obtained. Life isn't about what degrees you have, but what life experiences you had along the way. Life isn't about what you learned, but also what you taught. Life isn't about the rewards you received, but what you gave. Life isn't about the stories you read, but the legacies you left behind. Life isn't about what other people said to you, but what impact your words left on them. Life isn't about what excuses you came up to poscrastinate, but whether or not you got it done. Life isn't about being a victim, it's about being a survivor. Life isn't about all you, but rather all of God's inhabitants. Life isn't about seeing how much you can achieve in one day, it's about seeing how much you can improve things for future generations. Life isn't about the people, animals, and creatures of the Earth, but about giving yourself to God by giving back to society, friends, family, and the hereafter.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

God bless and please take the time to enjoy the journey instead of only seeing your final destination!

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