Losing Faith

Losing Faith

Karyn Indursky

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Losing faith.
Faith obsolete.
Obsolete yearnings.
Yearned friendships.
Friendships void.
Voided offerings.
Offering ears.
Ears ignoring.
Ignoring truths.
Truths tucked.
Tucked rejection.
Rejection spreading.
Spreading veils.
Veiled eyes.
Eyes blinded.
Blinded touches.
Touches discarded.
Discarded affection.
Affectionate gestures.
Gestures plagued.
Plagued isolation.
Isolated attempts.
Attempted help.
Help dismissed.
Dismissed feelings.
Feelings touched.
Touched torment.
Torment eating.
Eating insides.
Insides hollow.
Hollowed conversations.
Conversations reduced.
Reduced politeness.
Politeness painted.
Painted hope.

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