Preserve Your Flower...

Preserve Your Flower...

Karyn Indursky

Preserve your flower,
dear girl.
For once gone,
there is no returning
and taking it back,
dear sweet girl.
Keep your
seeds and nectar sealed,
dear sweet innocent girl.
Guard your gate
to your garden
for it is only yours,
dear sweet innocent delicate girl.
Allow no one
entrance as you
continue your blossoming
of your nectar, seeds, flower,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple girl.
Bloom with time,
but never show and share
your garden,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple elegant girl.
Your garden is
to be fertilized
with the soil of your being,
not by snakes with quick tongues,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple elegant beautified girl.
Preserve yourself,
dear girl.

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