With Gratitude

With Gratitude

With Gratitude
by Karyn Indursky
Author's Comments: I wrote this while Conner is at the ER.


Fear is a cobra
wrapped around my neck
stealing all my oxygen
as my eyes bulge out
and everything turns black.


Fear is a leech
sucking my blood away
one droplet at a time
until my body's limp
and my mind's a blank sheet
of canvas.


Fear is a screech
making me death
to the obvious world
as I watch in terror
at an unyielding car
slamming into my soul
until I'm a hollowed tree
with crumbled leaves to be
my remnants of my life.


Fear is a thought
of something ill
that already is
or very well may be
and feeling utterly helpless
while knowing there's nothing
I can do to vanquish
what's coming head first.


Fear is my reality
when I look at society
and hear rudeness
as they're more consumed
by their own greed, ignorance, dominance
while I supervise the effects
of their inconsiderate actions
ruining all the heavenly possibilities
of what God intended....


Fear is knowing
that as much as I want
to change the actions, thoughts, feelings
of others to make the world
a better, safer, liberal place
that it's not up to me
to decide and determine
how others react.


Fear is an ear thermeter
telling me my son
has a fever of 103.2
and there's only so much medicine
I can give him
to aid him in his time
of urgent need
and the rest lies
in the caregivers at the ER
while I sit here
knocking on God's door
with silent prayers
for the best instead of worst
and remove my state of fear
with gratitude.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Words can never fully express the emotions of what I go through in the course of motherhood, but this is my attempt at it.

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