Magic Of True Love

Magic Of True Love

Magic Of True Love
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Upon a blue moon
sat Baby Cupid
testing his bow and arrow...


His target was set
for Clara-belle, but the balance
of the arrow felt off.


Instead of shooting Clara-belle,
he hit Alexis' derriere.


Alexis was caught off guard
while dancing on Venus
with Curtis.


Alexis' eyes began to sashay
with her strumming a thumpity-thump-thump
meter of attraction broiling.


Curtis didn't notice the alternation
in Alexis' personality and demeanor
while singing his heart out.


Alexis' shyness was lost
with the power of Cupid's love brew
flowing through her Mercedes' veins.


A slow dance began to play
and Alexis approached Curtis
with her arms going around his neck.


Lost in the music,
Curtis' arms went her
hips for dancing in poetic lyrics.


Alexis' heart fluttered
like a soaring butterfly.


Curtis was captivated
by her sweetness, graceful elegance, and sparkling cider eyes,
which made his heart rap
a thud-thud-thud beat.


Their eyes locked...
Chemistry sizzled...
And their lips met.


To their surprise,
the stars started to disperse
with Baby Cupid flying
towards them with a
furrowed brow, deep frown, and era of sadness.


Baby Cupid apologized to
Alexis and Curtis for
his mistake of shooting Alexis
and offered to undo the spell.


Curtis fixed the arrow...
Baby Cupid learned how to aim...
But when he re-shot to hit Clara...
the strangest thing happened...


Instead of the arrow flying to
Miss Clara-belle the arrow came back
like a boomerang to Alexis
for Alexis was Curtis' true love
and they went meant to be
the Keepers Of Starlight Romance.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by CactusWoman's title suggestion, "The Magic Of True Love."

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