For Remembered Beauty

For Remembered Beauty

Karyn Indursky

Stripped down to nothing
she stares at white ginger
breasts not perky enough
for her satisfaction or
her buttocks not small
enough for her happiness
or her toned legs
not measuring up to
high standards or her
skinny arms not quite
perfect or her dainty
hands without long fingernails
to mock her dreams
and her burnt orange
hair stays pinned up
like her secrets
hidden behind her Alabama
eyes showing confidence below
external beauty when she
finally sees she's beautiful
upon looking out her
child's eyes touching her
healed mind lightly to
hug her from the
inside out and suddenly
knowing she's created
God's children hits her
upturned lips more delicately
than flower petals
left to be seen
for remembered beauty.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written about the everyday struggles of a woman feeling she needs to be the right shape, size, figure to fit into society's and media's expectations.

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