One Assumption


One Assumption

Karyn Indursky

One assumption.
Assumption mounting.
Mounting whispers.
Whispering rumors.
Rumors broadcasted.
Broadcasted gossip.
Gossip column.
Columned lies.
Lies spread.
Spread thick.
Thick silk.
Silk webs.
Webs tangled.
Tangled deceit.
Deceitful intentions.
Intentions crushing.
Crushing reputations.
Reputations tarnished.
Tarnished dreams.
Dreams fading.
Fading thin.
Thin tears.
Tears trailing.
Trailing red.
Reddened skin.
Skin soggy.
Soggy secrets.
Secrets kept.
Kept truths.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I listed this under Abuse because this mentally and emotionally abuses a person; which winds up taking a toll on their bodies. Even though they know the words spoken are fictitious they don't often speak out because they don't think anyone will believe them and if they do nothing can be changed. It's a fate worse than death to leave a life full of lies and mistreatment over someone's assumption.

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