Friendship's Courage

Friendship's Courage

Friendship's Courage
Karyn Indursky
September 2012

Once upon a time there was a fortress
hidden in an evergreen forest filled
with flowers of friendship.

Lady Annette and Princess Alana were sisters
off to see their bestie, Prince Winston,
but he was being held captive.

Lady Annette was no stranger to using fencing
and wiped out four guards with her
diligent hand making them clank the floor with
a thunderous thud.

From behind King Milton grabbed Princess Alana
and pressed his razor-sharp sword's blade
against her swan neck until it began
to trickle with droplets of blood.

Lady Annette had tucked a dagger into
her garter belt with the distraction of a
tanned leg she was able to grab it.

Princess Alana used her elbow
to jab him in his gut as hard as
she could while Lady Annette
slayed him with her dagger.

Prince London was King Milton's bodyguard
and tried to kill them both,
but Princess Alana wasn't going down
without a fight or let her sister be slaughtered.

Princess Alana took the sword from King Milton's
dead hand and stabbed Prince London
with a fierceness that won the victory.

Lady Annette and Princess Alana were shaken up,
but together they were one heck of a team
and sliced spider webs while overstepping skeletons
to get to her best friend, Prince Winston.

With Princess Alana making sure no one else was there,
Lady Annette broke the shackles with the heart of a warrior
and the three of them went on an ebony stallion
race to freedom.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Fictional piece inspired by bits and pieces of a novel I'm beginning to read.

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