Milky Way Daydreams

Milky Way Daydreams

Milky Way Daydreams
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Once upon on a time
Dove was in love
with chocolate...


She took some
Hershey's syrup
and made a
hot fudge sundae.


The hot fudge sundae
set her taste buds ablaze,
which led her to
make a dark chocolate cake.


Pieces of dark chocolate
trickled into Dove's veins
until she made a
smore with a Hershey kiss marshmallow.


The Hershey kiss marshmallow
melted her eyes with romance
until Ms. Dove's imagination
fled on the highway of
Milky Way daydreams.


Milky Way daydreams
made Dove quake with
thirst and she washed
her mind with milk.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my poetic friend, Dove.

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