God Bless Women

God Bless Women


God Bless Women
Karyn Indursky


A woman's worth isn't defined
by the size of her wallet.


A woman's worth isn't defined
by the width of her waist.


A woman's worth isn't determined
by her job title.


A woman's worth isn't determined
by a degree.


A woman's worth isn't restricted
by how many children she has.


A woman's worth isn't restricted
by distance.


A woman's worth isn't scheduled
by calendar dates.


A woman's scheduled
by her environment.


A woman's worth isn't created
by how many friends she has.


A woman's worth isn't created
by who she knows.


A woman's value surpasses
brand names and sales figures.


A woman's value surpasses
stereotypes and misunderstandings.


A woman's value exceeds
people's expectations.


A woman's value exceeds
racism and discrimination.


A woman's value increases
smiling, laughter, compassion.


A woman's value increases
motivation, determination, assertiveness.


A woman's value adds
personality's flavor.


A woman's value adds
adaptability, flexibility, sensitivity.


A woman's value multiples
the availability of sisterhood.


A woman's value multiples
God's blessings.

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