Mommy's Quest

Mommy's Quest


Mommy's Quest
Karyn Indursky 01/09/09

Sparkling eyes.
Pushed buttons.
Endless opportunities.
Urgent frustrations.
Encouraging smiles.
Disgusting diapers.
Cherished snuggling.
Heightened anger.
Unlimited love.
Thrown toys.
Blessed hugs.
Repeated words.
Continuous lessons.
Stomping feet.
Spiritual awakenings.
Irritation growth.
Astounding development.
Crocodile tears.
Erupting laughter.
Feeling helpless.
Making differences.
Life's troughs.
Ultimate rewards.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

At the end of every day and beginning of the next, I love Conner and wouldn't trade him for the world. Love you, my cherished blessing from God.

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