Won't you be my (girl) friend?

Won't you be my (girl)friend?
Karyn Indursky
Won't you be my (girl)friend
and dance the dance
of friendship
upon the stars
in the midnight blue
sparkling sky?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
who sings the song
of true
Won't you be my (girl)friend
who's the sister
I never had?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
that leaves
others in our wake
as we laugh and dance
upon these stars
up high
in this wondrous
midnight blue sky?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
who is ever so true
and when we feel
ever so blue
we just sing and dance
upon these stars
that we know as
our dreams?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
of radiant smiles
and laughter as beautiful
as the sunset
in your eyes?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
who goes double dating
with me
and when we marry, have kids, and all
we can still dance
and sing upon these
that once seemed
to be afar?
Won't you be my (girl)friend
for eternity
and when we die
we can still
sing and dance
upon those stars
up high in our
midnight blue sky?
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