Pot Of Greed

Pot Of Greed

Pot Of Greed
Karyn Indursky
September 2012


Once upon a time there was an assassin
hired to kill Queen Penny
and he traveled the world
with a gun tucked into his pants....


Queen Penny was ugly
and when he laid his eyes upon her,
the gaze he saw turned him
into stone.


Having expected Queen Penny
to be capable to retaliate the assassin,
Sir Nickel had an alliance, Sir Quarter-back,
who didn't need a gun at all.


When this hideous Queen tried to
destroy him with her penetrating gaze
he showed his shield of a mirror,
which turned her into a pile of copper.


Sir Quarter-back was all about cashing
her in for his reward of a pot of Gold,
but Leo The Leprechaun who hired them
had no intention of paying anyone.


Instead, the greedy, lying, cheating Leprechaun
took his assassin, Sir Nickel, and used his
new stone as a pendant to wear upon
his chest with pride
and with his "lucky charm" of "magic"
he turned Sir Quarter-back into dollar bills
to put into his safe with Copper Penny.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Dove.

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