


Karyn Indursky


Kendra strummed her fingers on the guitar.
Suddenly, she felt an awakening.
Uncontrollable urges captured her.


Kendra began singing from the soul of her being.
Her voice was rich and full with emotion.
Dancing consumed her body.


Kendra clammed back up with the ending of the song.
She didn't hear applause or see the standing ovation.
Nothing mattered to her as she left the concert.


Kendra climbed upon the hood of her car.
Staring into the moonlit evening, thoughts tugged at her mind.
Music was her essence of being.


Kendra knew what she wanted.
Worry attacked her like a cat catching the mouse.
She didn't want to go against her family, but somehow she knew from with she had to.


Kendra got off her car.
Numbly, he started the engine.
Before long, she was home.


Rapidly, Kendra packed everything.
Lovingly, she left a letter explaining everything.
She left a lipstick kiss on the letter.


Kendra went to the audition.
Nervously, she tried her best.
Naturally, she was lost in the music.


Kendra got a contract.
For the first time, she was happy.
Vanquished was the feeling of imprisonment.

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