Troll Love

Troll Love

Troll Love
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Once upon a time Princess Juliet's
icy blue eyes cried
the depths of her poetry...


Prince Romeo found his beloved
Princess and held her
softly in his arms.


His thumbs wiped droplets
away from her eyes
with a sweet caress.


His deep brown eyes
locked with her icy blues
and chemistry boiled.


A tender kiss was magical...
Her ebony hair pressed against
his shoulder and
the rest of the world evaporated.


Everything seemed perfect
until the Wicked Witch Of The East
cast a spell upon poor Princess Juliet
where she was put into a coma
and turned into a Troll.


Prince Romeo was beside himself
and didn't know what to do.
He went to the Land Of Romance
where he found a book
of antidotes, faith, and trust.


Through a hurricane of
dragons, warriors, and gargoyles
he sliced them with a laser gun.


The Wicked Witch Of The East
was standing before her glass casket
where Juliet lay in a coma
as the ugliest Troll
you've ever set eyes upon.


Prince Romeo loved Princess Juliet
despite the transformation of her body
and turned the Wicked Witch
into a puddle of ashes
after using his magical potion of true love
in her heart full of hatred, bitterness, and misery.


Prince Romeo went to Princess Juliet's side
with a kiss of sincere love
and with that kiss Princess Juliet
rose in the air
to become her beautiful self again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Upon request, Romeo and Juliet get to live happily-ever-after and I still get my twist ending to a fairy-tale. You're welcome Smoothie, Dove, and Rhythm.

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