I hate to see no smile on your face
Your eyes filled with tears
From all the things I've said to you
Because of our problems this year
But now the tables have turn
But I'm not the one who crying
But i try hard to fight
The feeling of our light dying
You think I do this purposely
Like I'd really want to hurt you
And you get mad at me over little things
So I will get mad too
It's as if only I still have the passion
For the date that means forever
I hate that sometimes they ask
Why are we still together
We yell, we scream, we cry in our dreams!
Nothing lasts forever
So I'm happy to say that
We are still together
You get mad at me over little things
And that pisses me off
You curse at me and call me "Boy"
I hate that most of all
You push my buttons
Knowing that my angers a dangerous flame
But when i go off on you
I'm the one to blame?
I guess its the little things that tick you off
Because the little things you do
Anger me just the same