I still care

2004 poems
I care about you
Deep down someday
I know that you will say 
that you care for me too.
I don't want to feel blue anymore
knowing if you still care for me 
as a person.
Please tell me 
that you still care for me.
because I'm still wondering
if you are being true with me.
I feel like pulling my hair out
when someone say's 
I don't care for you anymore.
There are a lot of things
that I still care for you
I'm grateful for you 
to care about my life in school.
How you make me think 
about things pretty fast.
No matter how mean 
you get towards me
I will not stop caring for you.
You're the closest person
that I have as a big sister.
So always remember that
I still care for you.
(c)Cherisse Powers
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to a friend

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