My Heart Cried Today

My heart cried today,  but I knew not why.

Despite my every effort, I could not quell its tears.

Its tears of loss and of pain.

I didn’t know what it was missing or why it ached, but I knew that it did.

The tears that my heart cried suddenly started to surface on my face.

Somehow my heart’s tears had made it to my eyes and out into the world for all to see.

Yet, I still knew nothing of my heart’s extreme pain.

On and on, my tears flowed like a river down my face and back to my heart where they gained new life.

It was an endless cycle of pain that could find no escape but yet could find no home.

Darkness began to overtake this cycle of ill-fought wars and nightmares without a dreamer.

And without warning, there was no light.

No light to fight the darkness.

No light to conquer the fear.

No light for hope to feed upon.

No light….

As the darkness overtook my heart, emptiness filled my soul.

There was no escape.

No safe haven to welcome my wounded retreat.

Only fear with no cause and pain with no explanation.

Only darkness did I have now,

And in the darkness must I now learn to thrive.

So, speak to me not of pain and of suffering,

For until you know what its like to live in darkness and thrive within nightmares, you know nothing of pain and even less of sorrow.

© Laura A Tingler  

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