What Would You Say

Raindrops are pouring down from the skies.

They don’t come close to the one pouring from our eyes.

Why did this happen?  It can’t be real.

Who would do this?  How do we deal?

They took away everything, your dreams, your life all in one day.

If you were still here, what would you say?

Would you say you hate them and you wished they’d die?

Would you tell them they’re forgiven and ask them why?

If you could ask them one question, what would it be?

Would it be a simple question like, why me?

What would you tell your family? your friends?

Would you tell them they were on your mind when your life came to an end?

Would you tell them you love them and not to forget your face?

Or would you simply tell them you’re in a beautiful place?

©Laura A. Bennett

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