My brother´s Hot Wheels collections

When we hear about Hot Wheels the first thing that pops on our minds will certainly be a kinder garden kid playing with it, well this is not the case.  My brother who I must recall is thirty two years old still has them and even collects them, making them one of his most treasured possessions. You may think it is kind of childish, but cars are one of the things he likes the most. So having them in scale is something that he really enjoys. He has many of them and every time he goes shopping, he must come back with a new acquisition to his collection. They all vary in models and colors, you can find from the old ones to the new ones and from the entire color spectrum. But, one thing will always remain is where we can find them. You can obviously guess that it will be the first thing you see when you enter his room, and you are right. They are settled and lined up in a shelf just entering his room. His favorite car is mustangs, so you can see more of them in his collection, all from deferent models and years. He is currently on search for the Eleanor Mustang 1967, which you can find in the movie named “Gone in sixty seconds”. The colors you can see the most in his collection are black and red because they are his favorite, but also you can find many others. He not only collects the typical cars, but also the cars from his favorite movies such as Fast and Furious, Batman and Gone in sixty seconds. Most of the time he unpacks them, but the ones that he doesn’t unpack are the ones that were in any of his favorite movies, because he knows that as time passes its value will increase. I still remember the joy it gave him when I bought him a black Camaro, and the times when we go shopping and he sees some other car that catches his eye, most of the time he is just like a kid on a candy shop. The thing that I admire the most of my brother and his collection is the persistence he has on finding the cars that he likes the most; how he never gives up and know that if he keeps on searching he will one day find them.

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