The Darkest tears run deep and heavy llike the red in my heart.
Running like a river...thick and a burden.
Staining my soul, Killing my mind, Betraying my heart.
I lay in this river of dark red tears, in this searing pain flowing through me.
Feels as if it were forever, but in mere seconds everything changes.
I lie in wait, waiting for it, it's coming.
The moment of truth, it's's here.
The darkest tears spill from my soul, the floodgates busted open,
Everything I know as of Who I am comes tumbling down.
It's a violent struggle between the past, the present and the future.
But me..I choose what's ahead...the future.
It all comes to a screeching everything seems to be going back in time.
It's silent, It's cold, It's still.
I'm reborn
I'm free