Come Christian men and women

Harken to what I say;

About our Lord Yeshua

He is the Truth and Way.

We must obey his every word

That he speaks from above

Reminding us that we must walk

According to his love.

For, I would dare say to you

That we must live his Cross

Crucified unto the flesh

For each we suffer loss.

To care for yourself is wrong

For others Yeshua came;

Shed his blood, he freely gave

So we must do the same.

For in the words of Yeshua

A lesson we can learn

Hearing what the Spirit says,

I want you to discern.

The Son shall seperate the nations

And His yardstick shall be;

'If you did it for the least of these,

you did it unto me.'

So, Christian men and women

I've said what I must say;

Let's esteem the other better;

Listen, this is love's Way.

Matthew 25:31-46; Philippians 2:3

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