If Yeshua the messiah is not raised
My faith is but a lie
Let me eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow I may as well die.
If Yeshua the messiah be not raised
I earn pity from all of mankind
My faith has no sound foundation
I grope in the dark as the blind.
But Yeshua the messiah IS risen indeed
And he was seen by not a few men
Upward of five hundred at once
Plus those twelve in the upper den.
So, my faith stands firm in the Gospel
That Yeshua came and he died;
That he rose again the third day
On the Holy One of Israel I've relied.
Now, my faith is not founded on fables
Nor on tales that the old women tell,
But on the risen Lord Yeshua the messiah
Who has saved and will raise me from hell.
1 Corinthians 15