It is only by the God's Spirit
That we can ever know
What happened in that stable
So very long ago.
The Word becoming flesh
That as YESHUA, the LOGOS might be
A sacrifice for sin
On the Tree of Calvary.
Because before the World began
God had decided to
Send the Man called Yeshua
To die for me and you.
It was planned before creation
God predestined Him to die
The Word to be in flesh
In time's fulness, bye and bye.
For this is a great mystery
Even angels cannot tell
But praise God for Yeshua
God's fulness in Him dwells.
Before the Word was flesh
In heaven He did dwell;
With the Holy FATHER;
Who is GOD, and this I tell.
In the beginning God created
By the Spirit and the Word
These two are one together
For Yeshua' voice I heard.
So, in the word called GOD
Who is the deity
I believe that we have lost
A truth that we must see.
And that truth is this
That Yeshua is the One
Who is the Word the Logos
Ephesians 1:17-23