I used to tithe in years gone by

As to the church I went

I used to tithe in years gone by

And give my ten percent.

But God's Spirit spoke to me these words

'Richard do this for me'

God's Spirit spoke to me these words

'Stop tithing, be set free.'

'But Lord' said I with bated breath

'Men taught me I MUST tithe,

now you say to me instead,

don't tithe, but be alive ?'

The answer that God's Spirit gave

Was, 'Tithing is but dross'

The answer that God's Spirit gave

Was, 'Find it at the Cross.'

For that answer I did seek

Then I stopped my tithe

For at the Cross I remembered that

Yeshua is alive !

So now I understand that

In the Messiah I've been set free

To live my life by faith

For Yeshua bought all of me.

My body, soul and spirit;

Yeshua purchased all at the Cross,

I am His, He is mine

And tithing is, but dross.

1 Corinthians 6:20

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