By thunder and lightning the Lord will speak
As he did on the Mount of the Law;
So believe not the false christ who comes to you
Instead remember God's Word from time afore.
Jesus answered, when disciples did ask
" Tell us when these things shall be ?"
Yeshua replied, said unto them;
'Take heed that no man deceive.'
'For many shall come saying, I am the Christ
believe in them not I do say
for as the word of God is true;
these come not in the right way.
'For I shall come upon the clouds
as lightning from East unto West:
to stand upon Mount Olivet.'
False christ's will not pass that test !
It's best to listen to Yeshua
Accept not what other men say;
For Yeshua hath spoken the truth to mankind -
All shall be fulfilled on that day.
Matthew 24