The pastor has been taken

By two angels of the Lord;

He has been bound in iron fetters

Before the the flaming sword.

How many pastors will be slain

By the voice from Jesus' throne ,

How many will be called accursed

And into darkness thrown ?

The Day will come when Jesus

Shall bid his angels 'Reap'

And they will bind those pastors

As they have bound the sheep.

'twill be on judgement Day

When the Good Shepherd will call

To sift those false shepherds out

Who climbed in o'er the wall.

It shall be as 'Pilgrim Christian' saw

'twas this he did relate;

'I saw there was a door to hell

alongside heaven's gate.'

So I warn you, do not listen to

All shepherds but make a choice,

The way to know the true ones is -

They'll speak with Jesus' voice.

These will not compel the sheep

But lead by their example;

Nor for filthy lucre's sake;

They wear Emmanuel's mantle !

1 Peter 5:1-4

The writer recommends that you read John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress, and note Ezekiel chapter 34

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