'Thy seed shall bruise the serpent's head'
God did say to Eve;
This the Lord spoke of the 'Christ'
On whom we must believe.
But Catholicism doth reject
This truth that's found in Christ
And exalts the queen of heaven
For Rome is sin enticed.
Now the seed that came from Miriam's womb
Is Yeshua, God's own Son
And not 'their' Mary as Catholics claim
That counterfeited one.
For the mother of Yeshua was blessed
Among all women that be;
A true handmaiden of the Lord
Was Miriam, of Israel's tree.
But Yeshua is the SEED
The Vine, the Branch the Root
He bruised the serpent's head;
LORD YESHUA the absolute !!!
'And to thy seed, which is CHRIST.'
Galatians 3:16