When did the Winter Solstice
Become a church day ?
Was it commanded in the Scripture
That we keep this Roman way ?
The carnality of Christ- Mass
Amazes me twofold;
Firstly, it's a heathen feast
And, rejects the truth of old.
The only greater folly
Than Christ -Mass I can see
Is the keeping of Estarte
Easter to you and me.
For both of these traditions
I pray, be dead and gone,
Let us follow Christ of heaven
Not Nimrod of Babylon.
For it grieves the Holy Spirit
And insults the Saviour's love
For the Church to keep such festivals
They are NOT from above.
I know what I have said
Will to some brethren cause offence,
But I must obey the Lord
So I can't sit on the fence !
Colossians 2:8-10