When I consider the sky
By day, so clear and blue
The twinkling of the stars at night
O Lord, I think of you !
As I see the ocean waves
Tossing and turning too
Wearing away the rocks to sand
O Lord, I think of you !
As the wind blows gently
In Springtime's painted hue
Bringing the scent of blossoms sweet
O Lord, I think of you !
Or when clouds gather overhead
Bringing rains long overdue
Which bless the earth and make plants grow
O Lord, I think of you !
In rainbow of a Summer's day
A reminder ever true
That God will always keep His word
O Lord, I think of you !
In early morn, I see the ground
All covered with night's dew
I behold the bright morning star
O Lord, I think of you
At sunset during twilight time
God paints the sky anew
With beauty that speaks of His love
O Lord, I think of you !
Psalm 145