When You Don't Give A Woman Respect

Can you see my face?

Or from your memory have I been erased?

I look at you and see something there that wasn't before

Then the next minute I am holding my face on the floor

I scream at you, "I can't take it anymore!"

Then you look at me as if I was a whore

I get back up on my feet

As I pick up my bag I walk to the street

Hoping that I would find someone kinder to meet

Then there was a man looking nice and neat

I watched him as he strolled my way

Then he asked me if I had a place to stay

And why exactly I was running away

So I stared at him

And I looked rather grim

I saw him look at my face

Then the next minute I was in an embrace

He told me, "No woman should have to go through this."

The next thing I know he gave me a kiss

Suddenly a voice was boomin'

Then a car drove by vroomin'

Inside was the man who beat me

The stranger took one look and he could see

The next thing I know

A fist fight took place and I shouted, "NO!"

The stranger told me to go

But I had to stay

Just to see if he would forever go away

I watched the fight take place

As the strange man broke his face

Then he laid upon the ground

And the stranger added fear to the sound

"This woman has a voice.

She also has a choice.

You are the one that knocked her on the floor,

And now I am telling you to get in the car door."

The man got up and walked away

Begging and pleading that I would stay

Then the stranger and I walked away

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