

Whether telepathy is real, solely based on the fact that we at least seem to experience it, leave to that scientific rhetoric of ‘unless you can disprove absolutely, there is always a chance that it is fact.’ And can we?

Let us broaden the philosophy of our hearts and abstain from using the mundane, basic language of our predecessor sages and this is not to discount their findings entirely, but in order for them to go anywhere or flourish we must push the pedal forth with increase of intellect into those dimensions discovered and yet undiscovered. The phenomena of relativity, yes. How is anyone supposed to figure out the riddles of anything when it goes way beyond our already current lack of understating of even ourselves? Well, what’s difficult in discussing relative proofs with methods as yet untested will remain controversial for the impression alone these patterns bring up different grooves upon individuals and cultures etc. You don’t know though.


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