Where Are You?

~Where Are You?~

Wherever you are out there, no matter how far,

Someday, I will come to you or you to me,

And how perfect we may be for each other....

For my whole life I have never been in love,

To not feel love ever is colder than death itself,

I was out in a t-shirt and felt nothing....

I felt cold and alone, outdoors by myself,

Someday you will come and we will see,

How perfect are we for each other....

Your smile will warm my heart whenever I see it,

Make me forget all my troubles when we're together,

Fall in love with you again and again every single day...

Someday I will find you my darling,

Until then I must wait patiently and bid my time,

Look out the window hoping somewhere,

You are doing the same thing and wishing for me too....


Author's Notes/Comments: 

In the search for who we are, we all have needs and the greatest need of all is to find someone who loves us for who were are.

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