Camera trick in the dusk,
with moon positioned rightly.
Balanced gingerly in hand,
so not to fall on the sand.
© 2011 Philip N. Carcione
Author's Notes/Comments:
Poetic Form: Tanaga
If Japan has its short verses like Haiku and Tanka,
and Korea has its Sijo, the Philippines has likewise,
a short poetic form called Tanaga which dates back to 1500.
Tanaga has four lines with seven syllables each.
Usually it has no title. In its traditional form, all lines
are rhymed at the end, although the modern form
ranges from six to eight syllables per line and also
tends to be written in free verse.
Usually no title though I put one here
4 lines
7 syllables each line
Option 1: Traditionally - all lines rhyme
Option 2: Modern - tends to be free verse