Warm winds caress the fields,
while softly fondling delicate petals.
The scent of flowers causing dreams,
like a drug upon my hazy thoughts.
Buttercups spilling lucid dreams,
sculpting landscapes of memories.
Yesterday's aroma purging today
as I walk barefoot through my past.
Visions of things I did when young,
and friends that once filled my days.
Wondering where my life will lead,
and adventures that are yet to come.
Hope builds tomorrows bridge,
a path I can now clearly see.
I have new roads yet to walk,
future gardens to plant and sow.
Nothing ever stays the same,
I move on towards the light.
Those warm winds pushing me on,
seeing clearly through the haze.
Weeds falling to the wayside of life,
roots growing stronger and deep.
Blooming a beautiful horizon before me
while dancing on the winds of time.
© 2005 Philip N. Carcione and Roxanna Lynn