Alone in the Dark

2005 Poetry

I sit here alone in the dark,

only a candle flicker gives light.

My life burning slowly down

like sand through an hourglass.

Using time to quench my thirst

of knowledge and physical needs.

Studying ancient bound scripts,

while sipping laudanum from a flask.

Caressing the worlds knowledge,

as death's cherub idles by my side.

Dark curtains draping close by,

attempting to keep out the cold.

My body, sick and dying day by day,

while my mind continues to thrive.

Trying to keep out thoughts of doom,

before the reaper takes me away.

Oh, I should have embraced my time

when health was here within my breast.

Now I fear to embrace my death,

as I sit here alone in the dark.

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Awarded New Horizon's

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