Follow Your Path

2002 Poetry

Life goes on one day at a time

And it isn't always a nursery rhyme

Sometimes things happen and we have to cope

But we should never have to give up hope

For things have a way of working themselves out

You should always look forward without any doubt

The future holds what ever you desire

As long as you follow those ideals that are on fire

The fire in your heart and soul will become

Your life's path so don't ever succumb

To the roadblocks that life has to give

Cause it's up to you for your life to live

Be cheerful and smile and keep to your goals

We can't go wrong if we look into our souls

Our direction is true when we follow these rules

And the gifts are much more than baubles and jewels

They are true rewards that will make your life content

And you will never feel that you should lament

About your life which you'll never have to pretend

When your time is up and it comes to an end

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