I searched in dark secretive places so afraid of what was there yet so confident I had no reason to shudder I was angry at myself for not trusting you my guilt was the chain around my neck but seeing the ugly truth loosened the grip And now I can breathe I heard your voice in my mind holding out your metaphorical hand "Trust Me" you said and I did, The hesitancy proved much more than folly insecurities But of course I'll stay, as long as I can I'm the lost toy in the closet taken for granted but only exsisting for you I have all the time in the world to ponder this situation and analyze your mistakes You buried the past as deep as possible So the sight of the remains wouldn't sicken me You lied so as not to hurt me But you marred the innocence The beautiful marble city is indeed truly plastic and rests upon a graveyard You offered me a beautiful flower with poison-laced petals it reminded me of you so inviting and yet so damaging I don't want to be something you settled for but I know I'll be here until you want me again You're just an asshole, but I'm just your fool.