
Light shining through

A rainbow shone against the wall

Its many facets are evident

Is it even a rainbow at all

Gaze into the stone

The magnificence is there

The cuts are professional

What reason is there to stare

Know what the stone is made of

Know what it does to you

Know what it looks like on the outside

Does what's inside still hold true

It's beauty is more than

What the eye can really see

It's not just what it's perceived as

It's what shining through to me

So again, is there a rainbow

Colors against the wall

I may never understand it's entirety

But I will catch it before it falls

To shatter would be a shame

Priceless is how I see it

What came about to make this stone

I pray to God I can keep it

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Rainbows...gotta love em.  And as for the poem, it's just about a diamond, that's all...maybe.  Everything in life is masked. You've gotta learn to deal with what's inside before you even have a shot of understanding the whole picture.

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