best exercises to strengthen hips

Lie flat on your back, bending your knees and spacing your feet apart on the floor, to approximately shoulder width. Place your hands behind your head. Once you are in position, gradually squeeze your abs while you pull your belly button towards your spine, and lift your shoulders and head off the floor towards the ceiling with your shin pointing straight up. Lower yourself to the floor gradually and repeat the exercise.


Another way to do the basic crunch is to lie in the same position, but with your feet hanging near your buns. This is one among the many upper ab exercises that is especially beneficial. You can make the entire exercise harder by extending your arms as though you were about to dive into a swimming pool and then try the crunch. This is harder but very effective.


Lie flat on your back so that the soles of your feet are touching each other. Allow your knees to fall open towards the sides of your body. Use your hands to support your neck by placing them behind you. Once you are in position, gradually squeeze your abs while you pull your belly button towards your spine, and lift your head and shoulders off the floor, with your chin pointing upward. Lower yourself to the floor gradually and repeat the exercise.