The Legacy You have given

Lives have been given a Godly start,

Encouraged by your servant's heart.

Gentleness lived out in front of them,

Accepting their flaws as you point to Him.

Christlike nature has been your plan,

Yearning for your charges to understand,

Open heart for all the teens to see,

Friendships forming as in prayer you agree,

Gifted by God, you have taught our kids,

Rejoicing as they push past their own boxed lids!

Authority of God, the foundation you've laid,

Character's goal to show the price Christ's paid.

Exhortation for each child you touch,

Always telling: God has for them, much.

Needs are met with tender care,

Dependable service, you teach them to share.

Love for your Savior, colors all that you do,

Outreaching beyond, so they will help, too.

Valuable lessons that will not be forgot,

Expectancies grow from all you have taught.

       Love in Jesus,

    Peggikaye Eagler

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is to thank our youth pastor's at our church, who have been on part time salary, doing a full time job IN ADDITION to their own full time jobs ... who have graciously stepped down so that our teens could have someone who's sole focus is on them.

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