
Goodbye for now, maybe forever,

    I've cherished the times we've had together.

Goodbye for now, I hope not for long,

    For I've needed you and you were strong.

Goodbye for now, God must will it so,

    When you're gone, I hope our love will still grow.

Goodbye for now, my friend,

    May our friendship never end.

Goodbye for now, maybe forever,

    I've cherished the time we've had together.

Goodbye for now, I hope not for long,

    For I've needed you and you were strong.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another high school written poem, written for my mentor Laurie B. Snyder (who I think by now is Dr. Snyder!)
Laurie, if you ever find this, you made a difference in my life ... I am very thankful that you took a young, scared, screwed up teenage girl and took the time to befriend her and mentor her ... oh and by the way ...
I did not become a teacher!!!! (unless you count the 8 years I spent homeschooling my older son!)

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